Gan Eng Chin

Automattician. Malaysian. And everything in between.

  • WordPress Meetup Kuala Lumpur (Feb 2024) – Recap

    This is a recap post for WordPress Meetup Kuala Lumpur (Feb 2024) – WordPress for Developers. I was a speaker and I gave a talk about “Developing Plugin with React and WordPress NPM Packages”. The Details: Things that went well:  Things that we could improve next time:   Commonly asked questions:  Photos: 

  • WordPress Meetup Kuala Lumpur – 24th February 2024

    I’ll be speaking in the WordPress Meetup Kuala Lumpur (Feb 2024) – WordPress for Developers event this coming Saturday 24th February, 2024. I’ll talk about how to leverage React and WordPress NPM packages to build wp-admin pages in your WordPress plugins to provide the best user experience. Join us!

  • Mission

    Responding to the Bloganuary January 9 prompt: This is deep. I feel like I am still learning and finding mine in my life. Or perhaps I shouldn’t look at my life-long mission now, since I haven’t really figured out one. A short-term mission. To get more people (especially in Malaysia) to know more about Automattic…

  • Living a very long life

    Responding to the Bloganuary January 8 prompt: It depends. If everyone can live for a very long life (say 100 years old at the minimum), but every other factors remain the same, then I feel like the quality of life may become bad or terrible. There would be more and more people, on a crowded…

  • Do Differently

    My response to the Bloganuary January 7 prompt: One thing I mentioned in my previous post is that I wish I can hold on less to perfectionism. Nothing is perfect. Shipping imperfect code is better than perfect code that never get shipped. A published post is better than a perfect post that never get published.…

  • Freeway Billboard

    Here’s my response to the Bloganuary January 6 post: I think of many quotes that could go into the billboard. If you had one shot or one opportunityTo seize everything you ever wanted in one momentWould you capture it or just let it slip? Eminem’s Lose Yourself song. Though it’s probably a bit too cheesy…

  • Spending time thinking about the future or the past

    This is a response to the Bloganuary January 5 prompt: I guess it is about 50/50. I don’t usually actively think about the past, unless I am triggered by something. For example, I would look into the past to make an informed decision in projects. Or when Google photos shows me highlights from the past,…

  • Greatest Gift

    My answer to the Bloganuary January 4 prompt: I’m not really a gift person. Sometimes I just find it difficult to buy gift for people. Whether it is a birthday gift, or a souvenir when I am traveling. Unless the person explicitly tells me “Hey Gan, would you buy me this thing from that place…

  • Birthday Gift for Matt

    In my previous post Playtime, I briefly talked about Matt. About how he seems to blend worktime and playtime into contributing to WordPress and open source, which in my opinion is a pretty good inspiration for everyone to achieve. That is the first time I mentioned Matt in my blog. And to be honest, I…

  • College

    My answer to the Bloganuary January 3 post: This is going to be a short one. Partly because it is easy to answer, and mostly because I am quite occupied today. 😂 I attended University of Malaya to study Computer Science, major in Software Engineering. The university is the oldest university in Malaysia. It was…